Sabtu, 02 November 2013

Gak usah banyak embel-embel deh, ini ada ebook novel karya Helvy Tiana Rosa yang mau baca atau sekadar koleksi pribadi sebagai macaan di masa lalu (seperti yang saya lakukan) silahkan langsung download disini;

Ketika Mas Gagah Pergi - Helvi Tiana Rosa

Lelaki Kabut dan Boneka - Helvi Tiana Rosa

Mencari Senyum - Helvy Tiana Rosa

Catatan Hati di Setiap Sujudku - Asma Nadia
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Jumat, 01 November 2013

Ad hoc networks are a new wireless networking paradigm for mobile hosts. Unlike traditional mobile wireless networks, ad hoc networks do not rely on any fixed infrastructure. Instead, hosts rely on each other to keep the network connected. The military tactical and other security-sensitive operations are still the main applications of ad hoc networks, although there is a trend to adopt ad hoc networks for commercial uses due to their unique properties. One main challenge in design of these networks is their vulnerability to security attacks. In this paper, we study the threats an ad hoc network faces andthe security goals to be achieved. We identify the new challenges and opportunities posed by this new networking environment and explore new approaches to secure its communication. In particular, we take advantage of the inherent redundancy in ad hoc networks — multiple routes between nodes — to defend routing against denial of service attacks. We also use replication and new cryptographic schemes, such as threshold cryptography, to build a highly secure and highly available key management service, which forms the core of our security framework.

Click Here   Research Paper On Ad-hoc Wireless Network Free Download
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Kamis, 31 Oktober 2013

Gajah Mada langit kreshna Hadi
Gajah Mada langit kreshna Hadi
Lintang kemukus beberapa kali muncul di langit Majapahit. Dan kini, kabut tebal seperti menyelimuti segenap sudut kotaraja Wilwatikta. Orang-orang bertanya, peristiwa besar apa yang akan terjadi esok hari? Ingatan mereka melayang pada pertempuran Ken Arok dari Tumapel dengan Kertajaya dari kerajaan Kediri. Kertajaya tumpas. Juga ketika Singasari, kerajaan yang dengan susah-payah dibangun Ken Arok dihancurkan oleh Jayakatwang dari Kediri. Kertanegara, raja Singasari saat itu pun, tapis. Juga hal serupa terjadi ketika malam menjelang kematian Ken Dedes, seorang permaisuri Tumapel dan Singasari yang dari rahimnya dilahirkan raja-raja Jawa.

Dan kekhawatiran mereka ternyata terbukti. Rakryan Kuti memberontak. Dengan memanfaatkan pasukan Jala Rananggana dan Jalayuda, Kuti, salah seorang dari Dharmaputra Winehsuka yang paling berpengaruh, madeg kraman, menggempur istana raja Jayanegara dari pintu belakang. Tujuannya hanya satu:
menggulingkan Kalagemet, nama kecil Jayanegara, dan mengangkat dirinya menjadi raja.

Hal ini sama sekali tak pernah disangka-sangka, karena Dharmaputra tidak memiliki pasukan. Tetapi dengan segala tipu-muslihat dan akal bulusnya, Ra Kuti bisa memanfaatkan pasukan lain dan membaca keadaan. Dibantu saudara-saudaranya: Ra Yuyu, Ra Banyak, Ra Pangsa, Ra Wedeng, dan Ra Tanca, juga temenggung Pujut Luntar dan Panji Watang — keduanya adalah pimpinan pasukan Jala Rananggana dan Jalayuda — Ra Kuti berhasil menggerakkan pasukan segelar-sepapan menggilas istana.

Inilah pemberontakan yang banjir darah. Sebuah ambisi menguasai dampar kedaton yang berlepotan darah. Ra Kuti memang berhasil mengusir Jayanegara dari istana. Namun, korban yang jatuh, baik dari pasukan perang maupun rakyat jelata tak terhitung lagi. Termasuk Panji Watang, Pujut Luntar, dan juga Lembu Sora, pimpinan pasukan Jalapati yang lebih memilih berhadapan dengannya. Ketiganya tewas sebagai martir, sekaligus korban.

Lanjutkan ceritanya dengan membaca langsung bukunya. Silahkan Download ebooknya jika berminat

Sinopsis dipetik dari Resensi Bahtiar HS

Download Novel Gajah Mada 1 disini

Download Novel Gajah Mada 2: Bergelut dalam kemelut tahta dan Angkara

Download Novel Gajah Mada 3: Hamukti Palapa

Download Novel Gajah Mada 4: Perang Bubat
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Rabu, 30 Oktober 2013

Berikut link download nya, Selamat membaca dan selamat merefleksikan pelajaran berharga dari novel Totto-Chan ; Gadis cilik di jendela.
Sampaikan komentar kawan-kawan jika senang dengan buku ini.

Download Disini
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Selasa, 29 Oktober 2013

Buku Hantu-hantu Politik dan Matinya Sosial karya Yasraf Amir Piliang patut menjadi bacaan mahasiswa yang membutuhkan wacana-wacana sosial politik Indonesia.

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Senin, 28 Oktober 2013

Unified Modelling Language merupakan alat perancangan sistem yang berorientasi pada objek. Secara filosofi kemunculan UML diilhami oleh konsep yang telah ada yaitu konsep permodelan Object Oriented (OO), karena konsep ini menganalogikan sistem seperti kehidupan nyata yang didominasi oleh obyek dan digambarkan atau dinotasikan dalam simbol-simbol yang cukup spesifik maka OO memiliki proses standard dan bersifat independen.
UML diagram memiliki tujuan utama untuk membantu tim pengembangan proyek berkomunikasi, mengeksplorasi potensi desain, dan memvalidasi desain arsitektur perangkat lunak atau pembuat program.
Komponen atau notasi UML diturunkan dari 3 (tiga) notasi yang telah ada sebelumnya yaitu Grady Booch, OOD (Object-Oriented Design), Jim Rumbaugh, OMT (Object Modelling Technique), dan Ivar Jacobson OOSE (Object-Oriented Software Engineering).
UML mempunyai tiga kategori utama yaitu struktur diagram, behaviour diagram dan interaction diagram. Dimana masing-masing kategori tersebut memiliki diagram yang menjelaskan arsitektur sistem dan saling terintegrasi.

Download Jurnal Memahami Penggunaan UML (Unified Modelling Language)
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Minggu, 27 Oktober 2013

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Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013

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Jumat, 25 Oktober 2013

Kawan-kawan yang bingung cari ebook atau buku tentang Tenses, boleh download ebook nya disini, gratis. Kawan-kawan bebas mendownload, kami hanya mengharapkan agar kawan-kawan bisa membagikan link downloadnya kepada teman yang lain, melalui Facebook atau media yang lain.

Terima kasih telah berkunjung dan silahkan Download Disini;
Download Ebook Verbs and Tenses
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Kamis, 24 Oktober 2013

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Pembunuhan di balik Kabut
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Rabu, 23 Oktober 2013

Bagi yang sudah mahir photoshop atau yang mau mahir menggunakan photoshop, boleh mengikuti saran untuk mendownload ebook di bawah ini untuk memperbanyak pengetahuan mengenai photoshop. Download ebook di bawah ini;

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- Melukis Digital dengan Photoshop
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Selasa, 22 Oktober 2013


Sixth Sense Technology
is a mini-projector coupled with a camera and acellphone—which acts as the computer and connected to the Cloud, all the information stored on the web. Sixth Sense can also obey hand gestures. The
camera recognizes objects around a person instantly, with the micro-projector overlaying the information on any surface, including the object itself or hand. Also can access or manipulate the information using fingers. make a call by
Extend hand on front of the projector and numbers will appear for to click. know the time by Draw a circle on wrist and a watch will appear. take a photo by Just make a square with fingers, highlighting what want to frame, and the system will make the photo—which can later organize with the others using own hands over the air.and The device has a huge number of applications , it is portable and easily to carry as can wear it in neck.

Click Here   Sixth Sense Technology
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Senin, 21 Oktober 2013

Download Gambar menarik buat para pecinta buku atau book lover part ketiga, berikut;

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Minggu, 20 Oktober 2013

Laskar Pelangi, adalah novel yang sangat inspiratif, diantara uangkapan-ungkapan alimat yang disampaikan dalam buku itu, terdapat deretan semangat yang disampaikan oleh penulis buku. Andrea Hirata.

Laskar Pelangi adalah novel pertama karya Andrea Hirata yang diterbitkan oleh Bentang Pustaka pada tahun 2005. Novel ini bercerita tentang kehidupan 10 anak dari keluarga miskin yang bersekolah (SD dan SMP) di sebuah sekolah Muhammadiyah di pulau Belitong yang penuh dengan keterbatasan.

Cerita terjadi di desa Gantong, Kabupaten Ganong, Belitung Timur. Dimulai ketika sekolah Muhammadiyah terancam akan dibubarkan oleh Depdikbud Sumsel jikalau tidak mendapatkan siswa baru minimal 10 anak. Parahnya, pada hari pendaftaran, cuma 9 anak yang datang pada waktu itu, dengan kenyataan seperti ini, semua yang ada di ruangan itu dengan rela menerima kenyataan ini, kecuali Bu Mus.

Drama yang terjadi, dimana kenyataan yang mereka alami di hari itulah yang menjadi akar dari cerita panjang Andrea Hirata. Hari itu, ketika pak Harfan telah berdiri dan mulai membawakan pidato penutupan sekolah, tiba-tiba kedatangan "tamu" yang telah lama ditunggu.

Dari sanalah dimulai cerita mereka. Mulai dari penempatan tempat duduk, pertemuan mereka dengan Pak Harfan, perkenalan mereka yang luar biasa di mana A Kiong yang malah cengar-cengir ketika ditanyakan namanya oleh guru mereka, Bu Mus. Kejadian bodoh yang dilakukan oleh Borek, pemilihan ketua kelas yang diprotes keras oleh Kucai, kejadian ditemukannya bakat luar biasa Mahar, pengalaman cinta pertama Ikal, sampai pertaruhan nyawa Lintang yang mengayuh sepeda 80 km pulang pergi dari rumahnya ke sekolah!

Selamat mendownload...

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Sabtu, 19 Oktober 2013

Extreme programming (XP) is a lightweight methodology for small-tomedium sized teams developing software in the face of vague or rapidly changing requirements. XP is a deliberate and disciplined approach to software development. XP stresses consumer satisfaction. An extreme attempt to dramatically simplify the process of developing software systems is made focusing on what delivers value: the requirements for the system or the code that implements the system. Requirement specification in the form of User Stories, code development by pairs of developers (Pair Programming), simplification of the code through Refactoring and careful repeated testing are the outstanding features of extreme Programming technique. XP improves a software project in four essential ways; communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. XP has rejuvenated the notion of evolutionary design with practices that allow evolution to become a viable design strategy.

Click Here      Research Paper On Sky X Technology Free Download   
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Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013

***** Question Papers of the year December 2011 *****

  • 06ME52 Design Of Machine Elements-1 December 11

To download the above question paper click here


  • 06ME53 Dynamics Of Machines December 11

To download the above question paper click here


  • 06ME54 Energy Engineering December 11

To download the above question paper click here


***** Question Papers of the year June 2012 *****


  • 06ME52 Design Of Machine Elements-1 June 12

To download the above question paper click here


  • 06ME53 Dynamics Of Machines June 12

To download the above question paper click here


  • 06ME54 Energy Engineering June 12

To download the above question paper click here


  • 06ME55 Turbo Machines June 12

To download the above question paper click here


  • 06ME56 Engineering Economics June 12

To download the above question paper click here


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Kamis, 17 Oktober 2013

Download Ebook serial Sherlock Holmes, silahkan klik link Download di bawah ini untuk mendownload ebook. Nikmati petualan sang detektif Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes - Penelusuran Benang Merah

Sherlock Holmes - Pemburu Harta

Sherlock Holmes - Koleksi kasus

Sherlock Holmes - Lembah Ketakutan

Sherlock Holmes - Anjing Setan

Sherlock Holmes - Memoar
Sherlock Holmes - Salam Terakhir

Selamat mendownload
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Rabu, 16 Oktober 2013

Soft Computing Model always composed of Fuzzy logic, Neural Network, Genetic algorithm etc. Most of the time, these three components are combine in different ways to form model. Fuzzy- Neuro Model, Neuro- GA model, Fuzzy- Neuro- GA model etc. All this combination is widely used in prediction of time series data. If in a time series data, initial change are observed during some time interval, the final value of this data must be predicted. In this paper, an effort has been made to use soft computing approaches for predicting a final product of a time series data. The data is taken from a statistical survey has been conducted by a group of certain agricultural personnel on different mustard plant under the supervision of
Prof. Dilip dey, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidayalay West Bengal, India. In this paper, the models of soft computing using neural network based on fuzzy input and genetic algorithm have been tested on same data and based on error analysis (calculation of average error) a suitable model is predicted for this

Click Here   Research Paper On Soft Computing Free Download
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Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013

habiburahman el shirazy
Dalam Mihrab Cinta adalah novel Islami karya terbaru Habiburahman El-Shirazy setelah novel sebelumnya Ayat-ayat Cinta, Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra, dan Ketika Cinta Bertasbih. Adapun karya lainnya yang berupa kisah-kisah Islami berjudul Ketika Cinta Berbuah Surga dan Di Atas Sajadah Cinta. Novel tersebut terbit sekitar bulan Juni 2007 pada perhelatan Jakarta Book Fair 2007 di Istora Senayan Jakarta.

Pada dasarnya, buku tersebut bukanlah novel seperti yang digambarkan di dalam novel-novel sebelumnya. Melainkan di dalam buku tersebut, menurut Kang Abik, terdiri dari tiga novelet. Yaitu novel-novel pendek. Ketiga novelet itu terdiri dari tiga cerita; Takbir Cinta Zahrana; Dalam Mihrab Cinta; dan Mahkota Cinta.

Meskipun buku itu terdiri dari tiga cerita, namun antara cerita yang satu dan yang lain mempunyai kesimpulan yang sama pada akhir cerita. Kesimpulannya itu adalah, penulis, mengajak kepada para pembaca novelnya untuk senantiasa selalu bersikap positif thinking, husnudzan, berusaha atau berikhtiar, sabar,tawakal, dan tentu saja menyerahkan segala urusannya hanya kepada Allah swt setelah kita melakukan apa yang telah kita upayakan dan kita harapakan.Lebih dari itu, penulis ingin mengajak para pembacanya untuk selalu mempunyai harapan dan cita-citanya untuk bisa diwujudkan.

Oleh sebab itu tidak heran jika kemudian di setiap buku atau karya-karya Kang Abik selalu disematkan di bawah judul besarnya dengan kalimat "Sebuah Novel Pembangun Jiwa". Memang benar. Setiap kita membaca karya-karyanya kita akan selalu diajak dan merasa dimotivasi olehnya melalui buku-bukunya itu. Sebagai contoh pada novelet yang berjudul Takbir Cinta Zahrana, misalnya. Dalam cerita ini, penulis mengisahkan seorang perempuan cantik yang bernama Zahrana. Zahrana adalah seorang perempuan yang memprioritaslan pendidikan atau ilmu pengetahuan. Dengan kecintaannya terhadap ilmu pengetahuan maka tidak heran jika Zahrana setelah menyelesaikan kuliah S2 nya ia pun mengajar sebagai dosen di salah satu perguruan tinggi di Jawa Tengah.

Download Novel Dalam Mihrab Cinta
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Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

is the sending of unsolicited messages over Bluetooth to Bluetooth-enabled devices such as mobile phones, PDAs or laptop computers, sending a vCard which typically contains a message in the name field (i.e. for bluedating or bluechat) to another Bluetooth enabled device via the OBEX protocol. Bluetooth has a very limited range; usually around 10 meters on mobile phones, but laptops can reach up to 100 meters with powerful transmitters.
Bluejacking allows phone users to send business cards anonymously using Bluetooth wireless technology. Bluejacking does not involve the removal or alteration of any data from the device. Bluejackers often look for the receiving phone to ping or the user to react. In order to carry out a bluejacking, the sending and receiving devices must be within 10 meters of one another. Phone owners who receive bluejack messages should refuse to add the contacts to their address book. Devices that are set in non-discoverable mode are not susceptible to bluejacking

Click Here   Bluejacking Research Paper/Seminar Report Free Download
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Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013

This paper aims to present a new voting system employing biometrics in order to avoid rigging and to enhance the accuracy and speed of the process. The system uses thumb impression for voter identification as we know that the thumb impression of every human being has a unique pattern. Thus it would have an edge over the present day voting systems.
As a pre-poll procedure, a database consisting of the thumb impressions of all the eligible voters in a constituency is created. During elections, the thumb impression of a voter is entered as input to the system. This is then compared with the available records in the database. If the particular pattern matches with any one in the available record, access to cast a vote is granted. But in case the pattern doesn’t match with the records of the database or in case of repetition, access to cast a vote is denied or the vote gets rejected. Also the police station nearby to the election poll booth is informed about the identity of the imposter. All the voting machines are connected in a network, through which data transfer takes place to the main host. The result is instantaneous and counting is done finally at the main host itself. The overall cost for conducting elections gets reduced and so does the maintenance cost of the systems.

Click Here  Biometric Voting system Research Paper/Seminar Report Free Download


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Jumat, 11 Oktober 2013

Silahkan Download Ebok Tutorial Photoshop, Klik Disini atau klik link berikut;
Download Panduan Lengkap Memakai Photoshop
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Rabu, 09 Oktober 2013

Siapa pun yang senang dengan dunia membaca, pasti kenal dengan Paulo Coelho, seorang penulis novel fiksi yang menghasilkan berbagai novel best seller. Salah satu diantara Novel Best Seller tersebut adalah Novelnya yang berjudul Sang Alkemis. Sang Alkemis sangat banyak diincar oleh para maniak ebook, mereka mencarinya kemana-mana, dan tibalah disini. Langsung saja download ebook Sang Alkemis berikut;

Download Ebook Sang Alkemis - Paulo Coelho

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Selasa, 08 Oktober 2013

Saat ini piranti lunak semakin luas dan besar lingkupnya, sehingga tidak bisa lagi dibuat asal-asalan. Piranti lunak saat ini seharusnya dirancang dengan memperhatikan hal-hal seperti scalability, security, dan eksekusi yang robust walaupun dalam kondisi yang sulit. Selain itu arsitekturnya harus didefinisikan dengan jelas, agar bug mudah ditemukan dan diperbaiki, bahkan oleh orang lain selain programmer aslinya. Keuntungan lain dari perencanaan arsitektur yang matang adalah dimungkinkannya penggunaan kembali modul atau komponen untuk aplikasi piranti lunak lain membutuhkan fungsionalitas yang sama.
Dengan menggunakan model diharapkan pengembangan piranti lunak dapat memenuhi semua kebutuhan pengguna dengan lengkap dan tepat, termasuk faktor-faktor seperti scalability, robustnees, security, dan sebagainya. Untuk melakukan pemodelan sistem / perangkat lunak secara visual digunakan UML (Unified Modelling Language) yang digambarkan secara elektronik lewat sarana perangkat lunak Rational Rose.

Download Jurnal Pemodelan Visual dengan Menggunakan UML
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Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

Buku Pers Orde Baru Oleh Rizal Mallarangeng, Zaim Rofiqi cocok untuk menjadi bahan bacaan guna menambah wawasan mahasiswa yang mempelajari perjalanan pers Indonesia, khususnya pada masa Orde Baru.

Keyword : Pers Orde Baru | Ekonomi, politik Pers Indonesia
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Sabtu, 05 Oktober 2013

Buku Bekerja Sebagai Public Relations Oleh Dina Indrasafitri, dapat melengkapi pengetahuanmu guna beersiap memasuki lapangan kerja sebagai Humas atau PR pada perusahaan favoritmu.

Keyword: Bekerja sebagai Public Relation | Ilmu Komunikasi | Managemen Humas
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Jumat, 04 Oktober 2013

Siapa yang tang mengenal dengan tokoh Tan Malaka, Selain Madilog dia menulis beberapa buku yang lain. Bagi yang berminat, anda dapat mendownload beberapa buku yang ditulis oleh Tan Malaka disini.

Silahkan Download:
1. SI Semarang dan Onderwijs
2. Menuju Republik Indonesia
3. Semangat Muda
4. Aksi Massa
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Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Download Novel Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra
Download Novel Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra
Dalam novel yang berjudul “PUDARNYA PESONA CLEOPATRA” Habiburahman menonjolkan perilaku seorang isteri yg sangat setia pada suaminya. Meskipun sang suami tidak mencintainya atau memperdulikanya tetapi dia tetap tabah, sabar, dan ikhlas menghadapi semua itu. Dengan keikhlasan dan kesabaran hatinya, dia bisa mencintai suaminya sepenuhny dibandingkan dirinya sendiri.

Tokoh aku merupakan seorang sarjana dari mesir dan sekarang bekerja sebagai dosen di sebua Universitas. Karena latar belakang keluarga dia di jodohkan dengan raihana, seorang gadis cantik yang sangat mulia hatinya yang merupakan seorang anak dari teman akrap ibunya.Tapi ia merasa keberatan karena belum mengerti dan tahu tentang siapa raihana.Keluarga aku menyatakan bahwa raihana adalah sesosok perempuan yang sangat cantik,ramah,lembut dan keibuan. Tapi beda dengan aku, aku lebih mencintai dan mendambakan perempuan perempuan mesir seperti titisan ratu clopatra yang sangat terkenal cantik.Dia menggangap bahwa perempuan mesir lebih cantik daripada perempuan pribumi atau negeri asal.

Download Novel Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra
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Rabu, 02 Oktober 2013

Kalian adalah laskar mawarku yang akan meluluhlantakkan tank-tank Israel!” seru Yasser Arafat pada pagi 27 Januari 2002.

Sore harinya, untuk pertama kalinya seorang perempuan melakukan aksi bom bunuh diri. Perlawanan rakyat Palestina memasuki babak baru.

Dalam derita penjajahan Israel, telah lama perempuan Palestina menjadi pejuang yang tangguh dan tabah. Mereka adalah anak yang menyaksikan ayahnya ditawan, istri yang merelakan suaminya hilang tanpa jejak, ibu yang menguburkan putranya. Namun, sejak hari itu, sebagian perempuan Palestina menempuh jalan perjuangan baru. Mereka memilih meledakkan diri sebagai “laskar mawar”.

Barbara Victor, seorang jurnalis spesialis Timur Tengah dan isu-isu perempuan, mengajak kita menyelami kehidupan perempuan-perempuan pelaku bom bunuh diri itu. Dia meninjau berbagai aspek yang sering tenggelam dalam sensasi berita: kultur, psikologis, dan sosiologis perempuan Palestina.

Barbara membawa kita menyimak kisah-kisah getir dan konflik-konflik yang membuat “mawar-mawar” ini memilih untuk menggugurkan kelopak mereka sendiri dalam sebuah dentuman yang menyentakkan dunia yang tak mengizinkan mereka mekar.

Judul Laskar Mawar : Drama Perempuan-Perempuan Pelaku Bom Bunuh Diri di Palestina (Edisi baru)
No. ISBN 9789794335147
Penulis Barbara Victor
Penerbit: Mizan
Tanggal: terbit Juni - 2008

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Selasa, 01 Oktober 2013

Andrea Hirata
Di buku pertama dalam dwilogi Padang Bulan, Andrea membunuh ayah Enong, pada buku selanjutnya di Cinta di Dalam Gelas, Andrea kembali menumpuk kesedihan Enong / Maryamah dengan membunuh Ibunda tercinta. “Andrea kau apa-apaan?”, Pekikku dalam hati ketika aku mendengar berita duka atas kepergian Syalimah.

Masih ingat catatan saya sebelumnya tentang Padang Bulan? ahhh, disana sudah saya sampaikan bahwa Andrea memanfaatkan kisah kesedihan Enong untuk menarik minat pembaca agar terus mengikuti kisahnya, mengikuti kisah dalam artian bahwa, pembaca tidak sekadar membaca untuk menghabiskan cerita, tapi dengan sebuah iming-iming imajinasi cerita selanjutnya akan dibuat seperti apa oleh si empunya cerita.

Tulisan ini saya kerjakan setelah (baru saja) menuntaskan Cinta di Dalam Gelas. Perlu dimaklumi bahwa diri saya pribadi bukanlah seorang pengamat sastra, atau seorang mahasiswa komunikasi yang konsen pada kajian sastra, bukan pula seorang budayawan junior, saya juga bukan mahasiswa yang hapal satu diantara sekian banyak teori sastra, bahkan mendefinisikan sastrapun saya tidak istiqamah.

Maka maafkanlah kenaifan catatan saya ini selanjutnya.

Hal yang lekat di kepala saya setelah menuntaskan dwilogi Padang Bulan, adalah cara Andrea menyajikan kisahnya, bagaimana dia mengatur sistematika cerita dengan beberapa jedah atau intermezo. Hal ini bisa kita rundingkan, bahwa Andrea Hirata menampilkan sebuah pembukaan yang manis pada dua buku ini. Andai saja saya mengerti teori bermain catur, maka saya akan menganalogikan bahwa pembukaan yang dilakukan Andrea dalam bukunya tersebut adalah salah satu jenis pembukaan catur, sayang saya tidak mengerti.

Pembukaan (cerita) Andrea pada masing-masing buku sudah mapan, dan sangat kuat (menarik perhatian pembaca untuk mengetahui kisah selanjutnya), seperti yang bisa kita dapatkan di buku Padang Bulan, dimana kisah dramatis keluarga Zamzami mengajak kita bersimpati kepada keluarga tersebut, dan bersimpatilah kita pada Syalimah dan anak anaknya, serta tidak lepas di benak kita bagaimana sepeda SIM KING itu menyimpan kisah yang lebih luar biasa dari apa yang diceritakan Andrea. Selain sepeda, adapula Kamus Bahasa Inggris Satu Milyar Kata, benda yang sangat biasa bagi orang kota, kita pasti cekikikan membayangkan ini.

Dalam buku ke duanya, Cinta di Dalam Gelas, Andrea lagi-lagi memanfaatkan kehidupan keluarga Syalimah sebagai tumpuan yang menguatkan kisah selanjutnya. Syalimah, Ibu dari Maryamah telah berpulang, maka semakin serulah kisah-kisah selanjutnya, kira-kira seperti itu pikiranku ketika mulai membacanya.

Dengan Pembukaan cerita yang kuat, Andrea tidak lagi memiliki beban berat bagaimana mempertanggung jawabkan alur ceritanya nanti. Seperti ketika si Enong menikah dengan Matarom kemudian cerita selanjutnya adalah pertarungan keluarga ini yang dilampiaskan dalam pertandingan catur. dalam alur cerita itu, Andrea tidak melulu menceritakan mereka, melainkan ia menceritakan realitas yang jauh berhubungan dengan mereka, salah satunya adalah warung Kopi sellain politik.

Disinilah kekagumanku pada Andrea Hirata, orang aneh yang sebenarnya ingin aku jumpai tapi tidak usahlah (orang biasa seperti saya ini sulit bertatap muka dengan bintang papan atas di jaman sekarang ini, Boi), Setelah ia membangun pondasi cerita pada segmen pembukaan, dia mendapatkan kebebasan untuk menceritakan banyak hal yang menjadi isi atau pesan untuk para pembaca.

Lihat saja, bagaimana dia menyampaikan sistem kebudayaan orang melayu dengan memanfaatkan kisah sedih keluarga Zamzami, bagaimana ia mempublikasikan kehidupan multikultural dan multi agama dalam kisah percintaannya pada A Ling, dan luar biasa benar bukan?. Andrea dalam kepalaku ini telah berhasil mengamalkan jurus “Pandangan pertama begitu mempesona”, atau “pandangan pertama takkan terlupakan”.

Demikian kiranya, hal utama yang saya dapatkan dari Dwilogi ini, bahwa Pembukaan sangatlah penting, mungkin pemikiran seperti inilah yang dipikirkan pendahulu kita sehingga UUD 45 memiliki pembukaan, dan pada pembukaan itulah semua pasa mengikat diri. Jika dalam al-Qur’an, mungkin seperti al-Fatihah sebagai Ummul Qur’an.

Andea Andrea Andrea, Ohh Andrea. Kau mulai menjadi bagian dalam kisah hidupku. Kau memang kalah bertanding catur melawan Zinar, tapi aku anggap kau adalah pecatur yang handal, aku melihatnya ketika kau menngerakkan ceritamu ini sama seperti seorang pecatur profesional memainkan biduknya.

Akhirnya, aku mendoakanmu, semoga Ikal dan A Ling dalam kisahmu itu dapat bersatu padu, Jayalah Melayu.
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Senin, 30 September 2013

Langsung aja berikut link download ebook humor, cekidot;

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1001 Kisah TeladanDownload

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Humor Suroboyoan

Abu Nawas

Aladin dan Lampu Ajaib

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Minggu, 29 September 2013

1st and 2nd Sem...(B.Tech.)

( AM-101) Engineering Mathematics-May 2009
(AM-101) Engineering Mathematics-I Dec.2008
(AM-101) Engineering Mathematics-I May 2008
(AM-101) Engineering Mathematics-I Dec. 2009
( AMA-101) Mathematics-I May-2009

(AM-102) Engineering Mathematics-II May-2009
(AM-102) Engineering Mathematics-II Dec.2008

(AMA-102) Mathematics-II Dec.2008
(AMA-102) Mathematics-II May-2008

(CH-101) Engineering Chemistry Dec.2008
(CHM-101) Chemistry May-2008
(CH-101) Enginering Chemistry May-2008
(CH-103) Engineering Chemistry Laboratory Dec.2008
(CS-101) Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT
(CSE-101) Fundamentals of Computer Programming andinformation Technology May-2009
(CS-103) Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT Practicals Dec.2008
(CS-103) Fundamentals of Computer Programming and IT Laboratory Dec.2008
(EE-101) Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering May-2009
(EE-101) Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dec.2008
(EE-101) Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering May-2008
(EE-101) Basic Electrical &amp; Electronics Engineering May-2008
(EE-103) Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab. Dec.2008
(HU-101) Communication Skills Dec.2008
(HU-103) Communication Skill Lab. Dec.2008
(HU-101) Communication Skills May-2009
(ME-101) Elements of Mechanical Engineering Dec.2008
( ME-101) Elements of mechanical Engineering May-2008
(ME-102) Engineering Drawing and Computer Graphics Dec.2008
(ME-104) Manufacturing Practice Dec.2008
(ME-105) Computer Graphics Lab. Dec.2008
(PH-101) Engineering Physics Dec.2008
(PH-103) Engineering Physics Laboratory Dec.2008

Civil Engineering...(B.Tech.)

3rd Sem...(B.Tech.Civil)
(CE-201) Survey-I Dec. 2009
(CE-201) Survey-1 May-2009
(CE-201) Survey-1 Dec.2008
(CE-203) Fluid Machanics-1 May-2009
(CE-203) Fluid Mechanics-I Dec.2008
(CE-203) Fluid Mechanics-I Dec.-2007
(CE-205) Building Material May-2009
(CE-207) Solid Mechanics Dec. 2009
(CE-207) Sold Mechanics Dec.2007
(CE-209) Lab-1(Fluid Mechanics-1)
(CE-211) Lab-II(Solid Mechanics)3
(CE-213) Workshop Training of 4 Weeks duration after 2nd semester
(HU-253) Principals of Economics and Management
(HUM-253) Principals of Economics and Management May-2008
(HM-253) Principals of Economics and Management Dec.-2007
(HM-253)Principals of Economics and Management Dec.2009
4th Sem...(B.Tech.Civil)

(CE-202) Survey-II
(CE-204) Fluid Mechanics-II
(CE-204) Fluid Mechanics-II May-2008
(CE-206) Building Construction May-2009 (CE-206) Building Construction May-2008
(CE-208) Structural Analysis-I May-2009 (CE-208) Structural analysis-I May-2008
(CE-208) Structural analysis-I Dec.2007
(CE-210) Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology May-2009
(CE-210) Rock (Mechanics and Engineering Geology May-2008
(CE-210) Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology Dec.-2007
(CE-216) Environmental Science May-2009
(CE-216) Environmental ScienceDec.-2008
(CE-216) Environmental Science May-2008

5th Sem...(B.Tech.Civil)

(CE-301) Construction Machinery and Works Management May-2009
(CE-301) Construction Machinery and Works Management Dec.-2008
(CE-301) contruction Machinery and Works Management May-2008
(CE-303) Design of steel Structures-I Dec.-2007
(CE-303) Design of steel Structures-I May 2008

(CE-303) Dsign
(CE-303) Steel Structures Dec.-2007
(CE-305) Structural analysis-II -May-2009
(CE-305) Structural analysis-II *
(CE-305) Structural analysis-II May-2008 *

(CE-305) Structural Analysis-II Dec. 2008
(CE-305) Structural Analysis-II Dec.-2007 *
(CE-307) Design of Concrete Structures May-2009
(CE-307) Design of Concrete Structures-I Dec.2008
(CE-307) Design of Concrete Structures-I Dec.-2007
(CE-309) Environmental Engineering-I May-2009
(CE-309) Environmental Engineering-I
(CE-309) Environmental Engineering-I Dec.-2007
(CE-309) Environmental Engineering-I May-2008
(CE-311) Transporation Engineering-I May-2009
(CE-311) Transportation Engineering-I Dec.-2007

6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.Civil)

(CE-302) Transportation Engineering-II
(CE-302) Transportation Engineering-II May-2008

(CE-302) Transportation Engineering -II Dec.2009

(CE-302) Transporation Engineering May-2009

(CE-304) Geo technical Engineering Dec.2009
(CE-304) Geo Technical Engineering May-2008
(CE-306) Irrigation Engineering-I Dec.2009
(CE-306) Irrigation Engineering-I May-2008
(CE-306) Irrigation Engineering-I Dec.-2007
(CE-308) Professional Practice Dec.2009
(CE-308) Professional Practice May-2008
(CE-310) Design of Concrete Structures-II Dec.2009
(CE-310) Design of Concrete Structures-II
(CE-310) Design of Concrete structures-II Dec.-2007
CE-312) Structural analysis-III
(CE-312) Structural Analysis-III May-2008

(CE-216) Environmental Science Dec.2009

8th Sem...(B.Tech.Civil)

(CE-402) Hydrology and Dams May-2009
(CE-402) Hydrology and Dams May-2008
(CE-404) Earthquake Resistant Structures May-2009

(CE-404) Earthquake Resistant Structures Dec. 2009
(CE-404) Earthquake Resistant structures May-2008
(CE-406) Environmental Engineering-II May-2009

(CE-406) Environmental Engineering-II Dec.2009

(CE-408) Design of Steel Structures Dec.2009
(CE-408) Design of Steel Structures-II May-2009
(CE-408) Design of steel Structures-II May-2008
(CE-410) Irrigation Engineering-II May-2009
(CE-410) Irrigation Engineering-II Dec.-2007

(CE-412) Foundation Engineering Dec. 2009
(CE-412) Foundation Engineering May 2009
(CE-412) Foundation Engineering May-2008
(CE-412) Foundation Engineering Dec.-2007

Electronics and Communication...(B.Tech.)

3rd Sem...(B.Tech.ECE)

(AM-201) Applied Mathematics-III
(CS-252) Programming using C++
(CS-254) Lab-III (Object Oriented Programming)
(EC-201) Electronics Devices and Circuits
(EC-201) Electronics Devices and Circuits
(EC-201) Electronics Circuitsand Devices Dec.-2007
(EC-203) Measurement and Instrumentation Object Oriented
(EC-203) Electronics Measurement and Instrumentation May-2009
(EC-203) Measurement and Instrumentation Dec.-2007
(EC-205) Lab-1 (Electronic Devices and Networks)
(EC-207) Lab-II (Instrumentation)
(EE-201) Network Analysis and Synthesis. *

4th Sem....(B.Tech.ECE)

(EC-202) Analog Electronics
(EC-202) Anlog Electronics May-2009
(EC-202) Analog Electronics May-2008
(EC-202) Analog Electronics Dec.-2007
(EC-204) Digital Electronics May-2009
(EC-204) Digital Electronics
(EC-204) Digital Electronics Dec.-2007
(EC-204) Digital Electronics May-2008
(EC-206) Signals and Systems May-2009
(EC-206) Signals and systems
(EC-206) Signals and Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-206) Signals and systems May-2008
(EC-208) Electromagnetic Field Theory
(EC-208) Electromagnetic Field Theory Dec.-2007
(EC-208) Electromagnetic field Theory May-2008
(EC-208) Electromagnetic field Theory May-2009
(EC-210) Lab-IV (Analog Electronics)
(EC-212) Lab-V (Digital Electronics)
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems May-2008
(IC-212) Lab-VI (Linear Control Systems)

5th Sem....(B.Tech.ECE)

(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems
(EC-301) Anlog Communication System May-2009
(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems May-2008
(EC-301) Analog Communication Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation Dec.2007
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation May 2008
(EC-303) Antenna and Wave Propagation May-2009
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits Dec.-2007
(EC-305) Linear Integrated Circuits May-2008
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications May-2009
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications May-2008
(EC-307) Microprocessors and its applications Dec. 2007
(EC-309) Pulse,digital and Switching Circuits
(EC-309) Pulse, digital and Switching Circuits Dec.-2007
(EC-309) Pluse Digital and Switching Circuits may-2009
(EC-311) Lab-VII (Analog Communication Systems)
(EC-313) Lab-VIII (Linear Integrated Circuits)
(EC-315) Lab-IX (Microprocessors)
(ME-251) Total Quality Management

6th and 7th Sem....(B.Tech.ECE)

(CE-216) Environment Science
(EC-302) Microwave and Radar Engineering
(EC-302) Microwave and Radar Engineering May-2009
(EC-302) microwave and Engineering May-2008
(EC-302) Microwave and engineering Dec.-2007
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded Systems
EC-306)Micro Controller and Embedded systems May-2008
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded System May-2009
(EC-306) Micro Controller and Embedded Systems Dec.-2007
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing May-2009
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing May-2008
(EC-308) Digital Signal Processing Dec.-2007
(EC-304) Digital Communication
(EC-304) Digital Communication Dec.-2007
(EC-304) Digital communication May-2008
(EC-304) Digital Communication May-2009
(EC-310) Lab-X (Microwave engineering)
(EC-312) Lab-XI (Digital Communication)
(EC-314) Lab-XII (Micro -Controller)
(EC-318) Lab-XIII (Digital Signal Processing)

8th Sem...(B.Tech.ECE)

(EC-404) Computer Network
(EC-404) Optical Fiber Communication
(EC-404) Optical Fiber Communication May-2009
(EC-406) VLSI Design and Technology

Department Elective-II

Department Elective-III

(EC-408) Lab-XIV (VLSI)
(EC-410) Major Project

Electrical Engg...(B.Tech.)

3rd Sem...(B.Tech.EE)

(AM-201) Applied Mathematics-III
(AM-201) Applied Mathematics-III May- 2008
(EE-201) Network Analysis and Synthesis
(EE-201) Network analysis and Synthesis May-2008
(EE-201) Network Analysis and Synthesis May-2009

(EE-201) Network Analysis &amp; Synthesis Dec. 2009
(EE-203) Magnetic Circuits and Transformers
(EE-203) Magentic Circuits and Transforms May-2009

(EE-203) Magentic Circuits Transforms Dec.2009
(EE-205) Electrical Measurements and Measuring Instruments

(EE-205) Electrical Measurements &amp; Measuring Instruments
(CS-252) Object Oriented Programming
(EE-207) Electronic Devices and Circuits
(EE-207) Electronic Devices and Circuits may-2008

(EE-207) Electronic Devices and Circuits Dec.2009
(EE-209) Lab-I (Electronics and Networks)
(EE-211) Lab-II (Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments)
(CS-254) Lab-III (Object Oriented Programming)
(EE-213) Electrical Workshop Training

4th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)

(EE-202) Electromechanical Energy Conversation and DC Machines
(IC-204) Linear Control Systems
(EE-204) Applied Electronics
(EE-204) Applied Electronics May-2008
(EE-206) Instrumentation Engineering
(EE-206) Instrumentation Engineering May-2008
(EC-204) Digital Electronics
(EE-208) Electrical Engineering Material
(EE-208) Electrical Engineering Material May-2008
(EC-210) Lab-IV (Applied Electronics Lab )
(EC-212) Lab-V (Digital Electronics Lab)
(EE-210) Lab-VI (Control and Instrumentation Lab)
(EE-212) Lab-VII (Electric Machines-I Lab)

5th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)

(EE-301) Asynchronous Machines
(EE-301) Asynchronous Machines May-2009
(EE-301) Asynchronous Machines May-2008
(EE-303) Electromagnetic Field Theory

(EE-303) Electromagnetic Field Theory Dec.2009
(EE-303) Electromagnetic Field Theory May-2009
(EE-303) Electromagnetic Field Theory May-2008
(EE-303)Electromagnetic field Theory Dec.-2007
(EE 305) Power System-I (Transmission and Distribution)

(EE-305) Power System-I Dec.2009
(EE-305) Power System-I May-2009
(EE-305) Power system-I may-2008
(EE-307) Microprocessors and Interfacing Dec.2009
(EE-307) Microprocessors and Interfacing May-2009
(EE-309) Power Electronics Dec.2009
(EE-309) Power Electronics may-2008
(EE-309) Power Electronics May-2009
(EE-311/AM-351) Numerical Analysis Dec.2009
(EE-311)/AM-351) Numerical Analysis May-2009
(EE-313) Lab-VIII (Microprocessor Lab)
(EE-315) Lab-IX (Power Electronics Lab)
(EE-317/AM-353) Lab-X (Numerical Analysis Lab)
(EE-319) Lab-XI (Control Systems Using MATLAB)

6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)

(EE-302) Synchronous Machines Dec.2009
(EE-304) Electric Drives and Utilization Dec. 2009
(EE-304) Electric Drives and Utilization May- 2008
(EE-306) Power System-II (Switchgear and Protection) Dec. 2009
(EE-306) Power System-II May-2008
(CE-216) Environmental Science
(CE-216) Environmental Science Dec.-2007
(ME-352) Power Plant Engineering
(ME-251) Total Quality Management may-2008
(ME-251) Human Quality Management Dec.-2007
(HU-251) Human Resource management Dec.2007

Open Elective
(EE-308) Lab-XII (Electrical Machines-II Lab)
(EE-310) Lab-XIII (Software Lab. Visual Basic Programming)
(EE-312) Lab-XIV (Power Systems-II)
(EE-314) Minor Project

8th Sem...(B.Tech.EE)

(EE-402) Computer Aided Power System analysis
(EE-402) Computer Aided Power System Analysis May-2008
(EE-404) Non-linear and Digital Control Systems Dec.2009
(EE-404) Non-Liner and Digital Control Systems May-2008
(EE-406) Generation of Electric Power
(EE-406) Generation of Electric Power May-2008
(CS-452) Fuzzy Logics and Systems Dec.-2007

(EE-408) Lab-XV (CAPSA Lab)
(EE-410) Lab-XVI (Power System Design)
(EE-412) Seminar
(EE-414) Project Work

(EE-416) Extra High Voltage Engineering Dec.2009

Computer Science...(B.Tech.)

3rd Sem....(B.Tech.CSE)

(CS-201) Computer Architecture
(CS-201) Computer Architecture May-2008
(CS-201) computer Arcgitecture Dec.-2007
(CS-203) Mathematics-III
(CS-203) Mathematics-III May-2008
(CS-203) Mathematics-III Dec.-2007

(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design

(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design

(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design Dec.-2007

(CS-207) Data Structures and Programming Methodology
(CS-207) Data structures and Programming Methodology Dec.2007
(CS-209) Written and Oral Technical Communication
(CS-209) Communication Skill for Scientists and engineers may-2008
(CS-209) Communication skill for Scientists and engineers Dec.-2007
(CS-211) Programming Languages
(CS-211) Programming Languages May-2008
(CS-211) Programming Languages Dec.-2007
(CS-213) Software Lab-I (DSPM)
(CS-215) Institutional Practical Training
(CS-217) Hardware Lab-I (DCLD)
(CS-219) Software Lab-II (PL)

4th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)

(CS-204) Operating System
(CS-204) Discrete Structures
(CS-206) Data Communication
(CS-206) Data Communication May-2008
(CS-206) Data Communication Dec.-2007
(CS-208) Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
(CS-208) Microprocessor &amp; Assembly Language Programming May-2008
(CS-208) Microprocessor and assembly Language Programming Dec.-2007
(CS-210) Systems Programming
(CS-210) Systems Programming may-2008
(CS-210) System Programming Dec.-2007
(CS-212) Software Lab-III (OS)
(CS-214) H/W Lab.-II (DC)
(CS-216) H/W Lab.-III (Microprocessor and assembly Language)
(CS-218) Software Lab-III (SP)

5th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)

(CS-301) System Analysis and Design
(CS-301) System Analysis and Design May-2008
(CS-301) System Analysis and Design Dec.-2007
(CS-303) Computer Networks
(CS-303) Computer Network Dec.-2007
(CS-305) DBMS
(CS-305) Data Base Management System May-2008
(CS-305) Data Base Management System Dec.-2007
(CS-307) Design and Analysis of Algorithms
(CS-307) Designof alogorithm Analysis &amp; Design May-2008
(CS-307) Design of Alogorithm Analysis and Design Dec.-2007
(CS-309) Computer Graphs
(CS-309) Computer Graphs Dec.-2007
(CS-311) Computer Peripherals and Interfaces
(CS-311) Computer Peripherals and Interfaces Dec.-2007
(CS-313) Software Lab-IV (DBMS Lab)
(CS-315) H/W Lab-IV (Data Communication)
(CS-317) Software Lab-V (Algorithms)
(CS-319) S/W Lab-VI (Computer Graphics)

6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)

(CS-302) Relational Database Management system-II
(CS-302) relation Database Management System-II May-2008
(CS-304) Introduction to Business System
(CS-304) Introduction to Business System May-2008
(CS-306) Asynchronous Transfer Mode
(CS-306) Asynchronous Transfer Mode May-2008
(CS-308) Software Engineering
(CS-308) Software Engineering May-2008
(CS-312) Open Elective
(CS-314) H/W Lab-V (ATM)
(CS-316) S/W Lab-VII (RDBMS-II)
(CS-318) S/W Lab-VIII (S/W Engg.)
(CS-320) S/W Lab-IX (Business System)
(CS-324) Real Time System May-2008
(CS-324) Real Time System Dec.-2007

8th Sem...(B.Tech.CSE)

(CS-402) Symbolic Logic and Logic Processing
(CS-402) Computer Networks May-2008
(CS-402) Computer Networks May-2009
e Theory
(CS-406) Project
(CS-408) Principles of Engineering Economics and Management Techniques
(CE-216) Environmental Sciences

Department Elective-II
Department Elective-III
Department Elective-III Lab

(CS-416) Software Lab XIII (SI&amp;LP)
(CS-312) Computers and Society (For other Branches only)


(CS-310) Computer Vision
(CS-322) System Hardware Design
(CS-324) Real Time Systems
(CS-326) Operation Research
(CS-328) Language Processor
(CS-330) Natural Language Processing

List of Electives-II

(CS-410) Organizational Structure
(CS-416) Overview of IT Materials
(CS-418) System Simulation and Modeling
(CS-420) Emerging Technologies and Current IT-Trends

List of Electives-II

(CS-412) Graphical User Interface
(CS-422) advanced Microprocessor
(CS-424) Expert System
(CS-426) Image Processing and Pattern Recognition

List of Electives-III

(CS-414) Graphical User Interfaces
(CS-428) Advanced Microprocessor
(CS-430) Expert System
(CS-432) Image Processing and Pattern recognition

Information Technology...(B.Tech.)

3rd Sem...(B.Tech.IT)

(CS-201) Computer Architecture
(CS-203) Mathematics-III
(CS-205) Digital Circuits and Logic Design
(CS-207) Data Structures and Programming Methodology
(CS-209) Written and oral Technical Communication
(CS-211) Programming Languages
(CS-213) Software Lab-I(DSPM)
(CS-215) Institutional Practical Training
(CS-217) Hardware Lab-I(DCLD)
(CS-219) Software Lab-II(PL)

4th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)

(CS-202) Operating System
(CS-204) Discrete Structures
(CS-206) Data Communication
(CS-208) Microprocessor and Assembly Language Programming
(CS-210) Systems Programming
(CS-212) Software Lab-III (OS)
(CS-214) H/W Lab-II (DC)
(CS-216) H/W Lab-III (Microprocessor)
(CS-218) Software Lab-IV (SP)
(CS-220) Industrial Institutional Training

5th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)

(CS-301) System Analysis and Design
(IT-303) Windows Programming
(IT-303) Windows Programming May-2008
(CS-305) Data Base Management System
(IT-307) Electronics Commerce
(IT-307) Electronics commerce May-2008
(IT-309) Parallel Architecture and Computing
(IT-309) Paralled Architecture and Computing May-2008
(IT-311) Windows Programming Lab.
(CS-313) Data Base Management System Lab
(IT-315) Electronics Commerce Lab

6th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)

(IT-302) Advanced Internet Technology
(IT-302) Advance Internet technology May-2008
(IT-304) Management Information System
(IT-304) Management Information System May-2008
(IT-306) Web Administration
(IT-306) Web Administration May-2008
(IT-308) Network Operating System
(IT-308) Network Operating System May-2008
(IT-310) Open Elective


(IT-314) MIS Lab.
(IT-316) Web Administration Lab.
(IT-318) Network Operating System Lab.

8th Sem...(B.Tech.IT)

(IT-402) Introduction to Java
(IT-402) Introduction to Java May-2008
(IT-410) Major Project
(IT-412) Java Practical Lab.


(IT-416) Modeling and Simulation
(IT-408) Software Project Management
(IT-408) Software Project Management May-2008

Mechanical Engineering...(B.Tech.)

3rd Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)

(AM-201) Mathematics-III
(ME-201) Strength of materials-I Dec.2009
(ME-203) Theory of Machines Dec.2009

(ME-205) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Dec.2009
(ME-205) Machine of Drawing

(ME-207) Machine Drawing Dec.2009
(ME-207) Applied Thermodynamics-I

(ME-207) Applied Thermodynamics Dec.2009
(ME-209) Manufacturing Process-I
(ME-207/209) Applied thermodynamics-I May-2008
(ME-211) Strength of Materials-I Lab.
(ME-213) Theory of Machines Lab.
(ME-215) Applied Thermodynamics-I Lab
(ME-217) Manufacturing Process-I Lab.
(ME-219) Workshop Training

4th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)

(ME-202) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
(ME-204) Strength of materials-II
(ME-202/204) Strength of Matrial-II May-2008
(ME-206) Theory of Machines-II
(ME-206/208) Fluid Mechanics-I May-2008
(ME-208) Fluid Mechanics-I
(ME-210) Applied Thermodynamics-II
(ME-208/210) Applied Thermodynamics May-2008
(ME-212) Manufacturing Process-II
(ME-214) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Lab
(ME-216) Fluid Mechanics-I Lab
(ME-218) Manufacturing Process-II Lab

5th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)

(ME-310) Machine Design-I
(ME-301) Machine Design-I Lab
(ME-301) Machine Design-I May-2008
(ME-303) Heat Transfer
(ME-303) Heat Transfer May-2008

(ME-303) Heat Transfer Dec.2009
(ME-313) Heat transfer-Lab
(ME-305) Automobile Engineering Dec.2009
(ME-305) Automobile Engineering May-2008
(ME-315) Automobile Engineering- Lab
(ME-307) Mechanical Measurement and Petrology Dec.2009
(ME-317) Mechanical Measurement and Petrology- Lab
(ME-309) Numerical Methods in Engineering Dec.2009
(ME-309) numerical Methods in Engineering May-2008
(ME-319) Numerical Methods in Engineering- Lab
(ME-321) Computer Aided Drafting- Lab
(ME-251) Total Quality Management May-2008

6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)

(ME-302) Machine Design-II Dec.2009
(ME-302) Machine Design-II May-2008
(ME-310) Machine Design-II Lab
(ME-304) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Dec. 2009
(ME-312) Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Lab
(ME-306) Fluid Machinery Dec. 2009
(ME-306) Fluid Machinery May-2008
(ME-314) Fluid Machinery- Lab
(PE-408) Industrial Automation and Robotics
(PE-414) Industrial Automation and Robotics- Lab
(CE-216) Environmental Science
( ME-251) Total Quality Management May-2008

8th Sem...(B.Tech.Mechanical)

(ME-402) Industrial Safety Environment
(ME-404) CAD/CAM Dec.2009
(ME-410) CAD/CAM -Lab
(ME-406) Operations Research Dec.2009
(ME-408) Mechanical Vibrations Dec.2009
(ME-412) Mechanical Vibrations -Lab
(DE/PE-2.1) Industrial Engg. May-2008
(DE/ME-1.3) Non conventional energy resource May-2008
(DE/ME-1.3) Human Resources management May-2008
DE/PE-2.1) industrial engineering May-2008

Open Elective
Department Elective-II

(ME-414) Project General Fitness Advisory meeting
(DE/ME-3.7) Theory of Plasticity
(DE/ME-3.8) Mechatronics

Production Engineering...(B.Tech.)

3rd Sem...(B.Tech.Production)

(PE-201) Strength of Material-I Dec.2009
(PE-203) Machine Drawing Dec.2009
(PE-205) Thermal Engineering

(PE-205) Thermal Engineering Dec. 2009
(PE-207) Theory of Machines Dec.2009
(PE-207)Theory of Machines May-2008
(HU-251) Industrial Organization and Management Information System
(ME-209) Manufacturing Processing Dec.2009
(ME-209) Manufacturing Processing may-2008
(PE-209) Lab-I (Strength of Materials-I)
(PE-211) Lab-II (Thermal Engineering)

(PE-211) Industrial Organisation &amp; Management Dec.2009
(PE-213) Lab-III (Theory of Machines)
(ME-217) Lab-IV (Manufacturing Processes -I)

4th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)

(PE-202) Design of Machine Elements
(PE-202) design of Machine Elements May-2008
(PE-204) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery
(PE-204) Fluid Mechanics Fluid machinery May-2008
(PE-206) Manufacturing Processes -II
(PE-206) Manufacturing Processes-II may-2008
(PE-208) Statistics and Numerical Analysis
(PE-208) Statistics and Numerical Analysis May-2008
(ME-205) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy
(PE-210) Design of Machine Elements Lab.
(PE-212) Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Lab.
(PE-214) Manufacturing Processes -II Lab.
(PE-216) Statistics and Numerical Analysis Lab.
(ME-217) Engineering Materials and Metallurgy Lab.

5th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)

(PE-301) Operations Research
(PE-301) Operations Research May-2008
(PE-303) Machining Science Dec.2009
(PE-303) Machining Science May-2008
(PE-305) Engineering Metrology Dec.2009
(PE-305) Engineering Metrology May-2008
(PE-307) Metal Forming Dec.2009
(PE-309) Inspection and Quality Control Dec.2009
(PE-311) Jigs, fixtures and Press Tool Design Dec.2009
(PE-313) Machining Science Lab.
(PE-315) Engineering Metrology Lab.
(PE-317) Metal forming Lab.
(PE-319) Jigs, fixtures and Press Tool Design Lab.

6th and 7th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)

(PE-302) Industrial Engineering
(PE-302) Industrial Engineering may-2008
(PE-304) Modeling and Simulation Dec.2009
(PE-304) modeling and simulation may-2008
(PE-306) Product Design and Development Dec. 2009
(PE-306) Product Design and development May-2008
(PE-308) Tool and Cutter Design Dec.2009
(PE-308) Tool and cutter design may-2008
(CE-216) Environment Science Departmental Elective-1
(PE-310) Industrial Engineering Lab.
(PE-312) Modeling and Simulation Lab.
(PE-314) Product Design and Development Lab.

8th Sem...(B.Tech.Production)

(PE-402) Computer Integrated Manufacturing
(PE-402) computer Integrated manufacturing May-2008
(PE-404) Non-Traditional Machining
(PE-406) Machine Tool Design
(PE-408) Industrial Automation and Robotics Dec.2009

Departmental Elective-II
Open Elective

(PE-414) Industrial Automation and Robotics Lab.
(PE-410) Computer Integrated Manufacturing Lab.
(PE-412) Project

List of Elective Subjects

(DE/PE-1.1) Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing
(DE/PE-1.2) Industrial Finishing Technology
(DE/PE-1.3) Welding Technology
(DE/PE-1.4) Plastic and Ceramic Technology
(DE/ME-1.5) Non-Destructive Testing
(DE/ME-1.6) Maintenance and Reliability Engineering

(DE/PE-1.7) Investment Planing
(DE/PE-1.8) Technology Management
(DE/PE-1.9) Marketing and Financial Management
(DE/PE-2.0) Productivity Management
(DE/ME-2.1) Operation Management
(DE/ME-2.2) Total Quality Management
(DE/ME-2.3) Material Management
(DE/ME-2.4) Project Management
(DE/ME-2.5) Human Recourse Management

(DE/PE-2.6) Industrial Packing
(DE/PE-2.7) Network Analysis
(DE/PE-2.8) Environmental degradation of Materials
(DE/PE-2.9) Material Handling and Plant Layout
(DE/PE-3.0) Production Planing and Control
(DE/ME-3.1) Industrial Safety and Environment
(DE/ME-3.2) Entrepreneurship



(MB-101) Principles and Practices of Management Dec.2007
(MB-101) Principles and Practices of Management May-2009

(MB-101)Principles and Practices Management Dec.2009

(MB-102) Organizational Behavior Dec.2007
(MB-102) Organizational Behavior May-2009

(MB-102) Organizational Behavior Dec.2009
(MB-103) Accounting of Management Dec-2007
(MB-103) Accounting of Management May-2009

(MB-103) Accounting of Management Dec.2009

(MB-103) Accounting Management Dec.2009
(MB-104) Quantitative Techniques Dec.2007
(MB-104) Quantitative Techniques May-2008
(MB-104) Quantitative Techniques May-2009

(MB-104) Quantitative Techniques Dec.2009

(MB-104) Quantitative Techniques Dec.2009
(MB-105) Managerial Economics Dec-2007
(MB-105) Managerial Economics May-2009

(MB-105) Managerial Economics Dec.2009

(MB-105) Managerial Economics Dec.2009
(MB-106) Seminar on Executive Communication
(MB-107) Workshop on Computers for Management
(MB-108) Viva- Voice


(MB-201) Business Environment May-2008

(MB-201) Business Environment Dec.2009
(MB-202) Production and Operations Management May-2008
(MB-203) Human Resource Management May-2008
(MB-204) Marketing Management May-2008
(MB-204) Marketing Management May-2009

MB-204) Marketing Management Dec.2009
(MB-205) Financial Management May-2008
(MB-205) Finanical Management May-2009
(MB-206) Workshop on Research Methodology
(MB-207) Workshop on Information Technology
(MB-208) Viva- Voice


(MB-301) Applied Operations Research Dec.2009
(MB-302) Corporate Legal Environment Dec.2009
(MB-303) Major-I
(MB-304) Major-II
(MB-305) Major-III/Minor-I
(MB-306) Seminar on Management Information Systems
(MB-307) Presentation of Training Report
(MB-308) Viva-Voice

Information Technology
(MB-981) Programming in C/C++
(MB-982) Relational Database Management System
(MB-983) Software Engineering

(MB-903) Retail and Supply Chain Management

Human Resource Management
(MB-961) Social Security & Labour Welfare Dec.2009
(MB-962) Training & Development
(MB-963) Industrial/ Organizational Psychology Dec.2009

(MB-941) Production Planning & Control
(MB-942) Purchasing Management
(MB-943) Inventory Management

(MB-921) Security Analysis & Portfolio Management Dec.2009
(MB-922) Direct Tax Planning
(MB-923) Strategic Financial Management Dec.2009


(MB-401) Strategic Management Dec.2009
(MB-402) Project Management and Entrepreneurship
(MB-402) Project Evaluation and Implentation May-2009
(MB-403) Major-IV
(MB-404) Major-V
(MB-405) Major-VI/Minor-II
(MB-406) Final Research Project
(MB-407) Viva-Voice

(MB-904) Advertising and Sales Management
(MB-905) Rural Marketing
(MB-906) Services Marketing
(MB-907) International Marketing

(MB-924) Management of Financial Services
(MB-925) International Finance
(MB-926) Management Control Systems
(MB-927) Financial Engineering

(MB-944) Quality Management
(MB-945) Technology Management
(MB-946) Manufacturing Policy & Implementation

Human Resource Management
(MB-964) Industrial Relations & Labour Laws
(MB-965) Organization Development
(MB-966) Performance & Compensation Management
(MB-967) International Human Resource Management

Information Technology
(MB-984) E-Commerce & IT Enabled Services
(MB-985) Introduction to Computer Network
(MB-986) Visual Programming




(MB-601) Marketing Research

(MB-602) Consumer Behavior and Promotion Management May-2009

(MB-603) Services Marketing Dec.2009
(MB-603) Services Marketing May-2009
(MB-604) Product and Brand Management
(MB-604) Product and Brand Management May-2009
(MB-605) Sales,Channel and Logistics Management
(MB-606) International Marketing
(MB-607) Rural Marketing


(MB-621) Financial Services
(MB-621) Financial Services May-2009
(MB-622) Security Analysis and Portfolio Management
(MB-622) Security Analysis and Protflio Management May-2009
(MB-623) Management of Banking and Financial Institutions
(MB-624) Direct Tax Planning
(MB-624) Direct Tax Planning May-2009
(MB-625) International Finance
(MB-626) Working Capital Management
(MB-627) Management Control System
(MB-627) Management Control System May-2009
(MB-628) Financial Engineering


(MB-641) Quality Management
(MB-642) Production Planning and Control
(MB-643) Inventory Management
(MB-644) Purchasing Management
(MB-645) Technology Management
(MB-646) Manufacturing Policy and Implementation
(MB-646) Manufacturing Policy and implementation May-2009


(MB-661) Organization Development
(MB-662) Training Development
(MB-662) Traning and Development May-2009
(MB-663) Advanced Industrial Psychology
(MB-663) Advanced Industrial Psychology May-2009
(MB-664) Industrial Relations and Labour Laws
(MB-664) Industrial Relations and Labour Laws May-2009
(MB-665) Social Security &amp; Labour Welfare
(MB-666) Performance and Compensation
(MB-667) International Human Resource management

Information Technology

(MB-681) Programming in C/C++
(MB-682) Relational Database Management System
(MB-683) Software Engineering
(MB-683) Software Engineering May-2009
(MB-684) Advanced Decision Support System
(MB-685) Introduction to Computer Network
(MB-685) Introduction to Computer Network May-2009
(MB-686) E-Commerce and IT Enabled Services
(MB-687) Visual Programing


Master of Engineering and Technology (M.Tech.)


Computer Engg...(M. Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech. Computer)

(CS-501) Advance Software Engineering 2007

(CS-501) Advance Software Engineering May-2008
(CS-503) Net work Security Dec.-2007

(CS-503) Net Work Security May-2008
(CS-503) Net Work Security Dec.2009

(CS-503) Net work Security June-2009

(CS-505) Advanced Computer Architecture System Dec.2009
(CS-505) Advanced Computer Architecture System Dec.-2007
(CS-507) Advanced Database Management System Dec.-2007

(CS-507) Advanced Database Management System May-2008
(CS-509) Advanced Programming Language June-2009

(CS-509) Advanced Programming Language Dec.-2007
CS-511 Advanced Software Engineering Lab
CS-513 Advanced Database Management System Lab

2nd Sem...(M. Tech. Computer)

(CS-502) Digital image Processing June-2009

(CS-502) Digital image Processing May-2008
(CS-502) Digital image Processing Dec. 2007
(CS-504) Distributed systems June-2009
(CS-504) Distributed Systems Dec. 2007

(CS-506) Complier Design June-2009

(CS-506) Complier Design Dec. 2007

3rd Sem...(M. Tech. Computer)

CS 523 Project
CS-524 Seminar
CS-Elective -I

4th Sem...(M. Tech. Computer)

CS-500 Dissertation

(CS-508) Natural Language Processing Dec.-2007

(CS-508) Natural Language Processing May-2008

(CS-508) Natural Language Processing Dec.2009
CS-510 Artificial Intelligence
(CS-512) Object Oriented Analysis And Design Using UML June-2009

(CS-514) Software Engineering methodologies June-2009

(CS-514) Software Engineering Methodologies Dec.2009
(CS-516) Embedded Systems June-2009
(CS-518) Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logics June-2009

CS-515 Optimization Techniques
CS-517 Parallel Computing Dec. 2009
(CS-519)Fundamental Concepts Bioinformatics Dec.-2007

(CS-519) Fundamental Concepts Bioinformatics May-2008
(CS-519) Fundamental Concepts Bioinformatics Dec.2009
CS-521 VLSI Design

CS-520 Quantitative Techniques
CS-522 Robotics
CS-524 Object Oriented Programming With Visual Basics. NET
(CS-526) Business Information System Dec.-2007
(CS-526) Business information System May-2008
CS-526) Business Information System Dec. 2009


Industrial Engg...(M. Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech. Industrial)

(IE-501) Quantitative Methods and Operations Research Dec. 2007

(IE-501) Quantitave Methods and Operations Research May- 2008

(IE-501) Quantitative Methods and Operations Research Dec. 2009
(IE-502) Research Methodology Dec.-2007

(IE-502) Research Methodology May-2008

(IE-502) Research Methodology Dec. 2009
(IE-503) Operations Management Dec.2007

(IE-503) Operation of Industrial Systems Dec. 2009
(IE-504) Simulation of Industrial Systems Dec.-2007

(IE-504) Simulation of Industrial Systems May-2008

(IE-504) Simulation of Industrial System Dec. 2009
(IE-505) Methods Engineering and Ergonomics Dec.-2007

(IE-505) Methods Engineering and Ergonomics May-2008

(IE-505) Methods Engineering and Ergonomics Dec.2009
IE-506 Lab-1

2nd Sem...(M. Tech. Industrial)

IE-507 Supply Chain Management Dec.2009
(IE-508) Production and Inventory Control Dec.2007

(IE-508) Production and Inventory Control May-2008

(IE-508) Production and Inventory Control Dec.2009
IE-509 Industrial Psychology Dec.2009

(IE-509) Industrial Psychology May-2008

(IE-509) Material Management Dec. 2007

(IE-509) Material Management May-2008

3rd Sem...(M. Tech. Industrial)

IE- Elective-III
IE- Elective-IV
IE-580 Project
IE-590 Seminar

4th Sem...(M. Tech. Industrial)

IE-500 Dissertation

IE-510 Materials Management Dec.2009
IE-511 Facilities Planning Design
IE-512 System Analysis And Design
IE-513 Organization Theory and Behaviour May-2008


IE-514 Maintenance &amp; Reliability Engineering
IE-514 Advance Manufacturing Processes
IE-516 Industrial Economic and Accounting
IE-517 Management Information System Dec.2009


IE-519 Industrial Automation Dec.2009
IE-520 Business Policy and Strategies
IE-521 Value Engineering Dec.521
IE-522 Quality Assurance


IE-523 Product Design &amp; Development Dec. 2009
IE-524 Industrial Packaging
IE-525 Project Appraisal And Management
IE-526 Entrepreneurship
IE-527 Safety Engineering Dec.2009

Power Engg...(M.Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech. Power)

PEE-501 Power System Operation &amp; Control Dec.2009
PEE-502 Advanced Power System Analysis Dec.2009
PEE-503 Advanced Power Electronics Dec.2009
PEE-504 Digital Control Systems Dec.2009
PEE-505 Advanced Electrical Machines Dec.2009
PEE-506 Power System Software Lab

2nd Sem...(M. Tech. Power)

PEE-507 Advanced Mathematics Dec.2009
PEE-508 H.V.D.C. Transmission Dec.2009
PEE-509 Industrial Automation Lab Dec.2009

PEE-514 EHVAC Transmission Dec.2009
PEE Elective-II

3rd Sem...(M. Tech. Power)

PEE- Elective-III
PEE-511 Project
PEE-512 Seminar

4th Sem...(M. Tech. Power)

PEE-600 Dissertation


Production Engg...(M. Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech. Production)

(PE-501) Mental Casting Dec.2007

(PE 501) Mental Casting Dec.2009
(PE-502) Metal Cutting Dec. 2007

(PE-502)Metal Cutting May-2008

(PE-502) Mental Cutting Dec.2009
(PE-503) Metal Forming Dec.2007

(PE-503) Metal Forming May-2008

(PE-503) Mental Forming Dec.2009
(PE-504) Welding Technology Dec 2007

(PE-504) Welding Technology Dec.2009
(PE-505) Computer Aided Design &amp; Manufacturing Dec.2007

(PE-505)Computer Aided Design &amp; Manfufacturing May-2008

2nd Sem...(M. Tech. Production)

(PE-507) Non Conventional Machining Processes Dec. 2007

(PE-507) Non Conventional Machining Processes May-2008

(PE-507) Non Conventional Machining Processes Dec.2009
(PE-508) Jig, Fixtures &amp; Die Design Dec.2007

(PE-508) Jig,Fixtures &amp; Die Design Dec.2009
(PE-509) Production Planning &amp; Control Dec.2007

(PE-508/509) Production Planning &amp; Control May-2008 PE- Elective-I
PE- Elective-II
PE-518 Lab-II

3rd Sem...(M. Tech. Production)

PE- Elective-III
PE- Elective-IV
PE-580 Project
PE-590 Seminar

4th Sem...(M. Tech. Production)

PE-500 Dissertation

List of Electives

PE-510 Machine tool Design
PE-511 Cutting Tool Design
PE-512 Industrial Tribology Dec.2009
PE-513 Diagnostic Maintenance &amp; Monitoring May-2008

(PE-513) Diagnostic Maintenance &amp; Monitoring Dec.2009

(PE-514) Advanced Operations Research May-2008
(PE-515) Management of Production system Dec.2007
PE-516 Simulation of Industrial Systems
PE-517 Materials Technology


PE-519 Mechnatronics
(PE-520) Robotics &amp; Ind. Automation Dec. 2007

(PE-520) Robotics &amp; Ind. Automation May-2008

(PE-520) Robotics &amp; Ind.Automation Dec.2009
PE-521 Metrology &amp; Industrial Inspection Dec.2009
PE-522 Computer Aided Process Planning


(PE-523) Methods Engineering &amp; Ergonomics May-2009

(PE-523) Methods Engineering &amp; Ergonomics Dec.2009
PE-524 Product Design &amp; Development Dec.2009
(PE-525) Entrepreneurship Dec.2007
PE-526 Statistics &amp; Reliability Engineering
List of Elective Courses
PEE-513 Power Systems Stability
PEE-514 E.H. V.A.C. Transmission
PEE-515 Reliability Engineering


PEE-516 Microprocessors and their application
PEE-517 Applied Instrumentation
PEE-518 Fast Transients in Power System


PEE-519 Energy Efficient Machines Dec.2009
PEE-520 Advanced Electrical Drives
PEE-521 Non-Conventional Energy Sources


PEE-522 Power System Reliability
PEE-523/ELE-519 Power System Planning Dec.2009
PEE-524 Power System Communication
PEE-525 Optimization Techniques
PEE-526 Neural Networks &amp; Fuzzy Logics


Electrical Engg...(M. Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech. Electrical)

ELE-501 Power System Operation and Control
ELE-502 Advanced Power System analysis Dec.2009
ELE-503 Advanced Power Electronics
ELE-504 Digital Control Systems Dec.2009
ELE-505 Advanced Electrical Machines

2nd Sem...(M. Tech. Electrical)

ELE-506 Power System Protection
ELE-507 Advanced Mathematics
ELE-508 HVDC Transmission Dec.2009

3rd Sem...(M. Tech. Electrical)

ELE- Elective-IV
ELE-580 Project
ELE-590 Seminar

4th Sem...(M. Tech. Electrical)

ELE-500 Dissertation

List of Electives

ELE-509 Power System Stability
ELE-510 EHVAC Transmission Dec.2009
ELE-511 Optimization Techniques
ELE-512 Microprocessor and their applications
ELE-513 Applied Inspection Dec.2009
ELE-514 Fast Transients in Power Systems
ELE-515 Energy Efficient Machines
ELE-516 Advanced Electrical Drives
ELE-517 Non Conventional Energy System
ELE-518 Power System Reliability
ELE-519 Power System Planning
ELE-520 Power System Communication


Electronics &amp; Communication Engg...(M. Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech. Electronics &amp; Communication )

(EC-501) Advanced Mathematics for Engineering Dec. 2007

( EC-501) Advanced Mathematics For Engineering May-2008
(EC-502) Electronics System Design Dec.2007

(EC-502) Electronics System Design May-2008

(EC-502) Electronics System Design Dec. 2009
(EC-503) Data Communication Network Dec. 2007

(EC 503) Data Communication Network May-2008

(EC-504/ECE-504) Advanced Comm. System Dec.2007

(EC-504) advanced Comm. Systems May-2008
EC-505 Neural Network &amp; Fuzzy Logic Dec.2009
EC-506 Lab-1

2nd Sem...(M. Tech. Electronics &amp; Communication )

(EC-507) Optical Communication Systems Dec.2007
(EC-508 )Digital Speech &amp; Image Processing Dec 2007

(EC-508) Digital Speech &amp; Image Proccessing May-2008

(EC-508) Digital Speech and Image Processing Dec. 2009
EC-509 Information Theory and Coding Dec.2009
EC- Elective-I
EC- Elective-II

3rd Sem...(M. Tech. Electronics &amp; Communication )

EC-580 Project
EC-590 Seminar

4th Sem...(M. Tech. Electronics &amp; Communication )

EC-500 Dissertation

List of Electives

EC-510 Advanced Microprocessor &amp; Embedded System
EC-511 VLSI Design
EC-512 Reliability of Electronics Comm. Systems May-2008

(EC-512) Reliability of Electronics Comm. Systems Dec. 2009

EC-513 Multimedia Comm. Systems May-2008

(EC-513) Multimedia Comm. Systems Dec. 2009
EC-514 Parallel Processing
EC-515 Peripheral System Design &amp; Interfacing

EC-517 Modeling &amp; Simulation of Comm. Systems
EC-518 Microwave Theory &amp; Technique
EC-519 Detection &amp; Estimation Theory
EC-520 Wireless &amp; Mobile Communication Dec. 2009

EC-521 Microelectronics Technology May-2008

(EC-521) Microelectronics Technology Dec.2009
EC-522 Internet working &amp; Internet Protocols
EC-523 RF Microwave &amp; Antenna Theory
EC-524 Computational Techniques


VLSI...(M. Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech. VLSI)

(VL-512) VLSI Design Concepts
(VL-515) Design of Analog/Mixed Mode VLSI Circuits
(VL-516) VLSI Design- LAB
(VL-517) Hardware Description Languages LAB

2nd Sem...(M. Tech. VLSI)

(VL-521) Advanced Digital Signal Processing
(VL-522) ASIC Design and FPGA
(VL-523) Memory Design and Testing
(VL-524) Embedded and Systems
(VL-525) Testing and Fault Tolerance
(VL-526) Digital Signal Processing and Embedded Systems-LAB
(VL-527) Design with FPGAs -LAB

3rd Sem...(M. Tech. VLSI)

(VL-531) Elective-I
(VL-532) Elective-II
(VL-533) Thesis Seminar


(VL-E1) System on Chip (SOC)
(VL-E2) RF Design
(VL-E3) Process and Device Characterization and Measurements
(VL-E4) Sensor Technology and MEMS


Structure...(M. Tech.)

1st Sem...(M. Tech.Structure)

(CE-502) Bridge Engineering
(CE-503) Theory and Design of Plates and Grids
(CE-504) Pre Stressed Concrete Structures
(CE-505) Advanced Structural Analysis

2nd Sem...(M. Tech.Structure)

(CE-508) Industrial Structures
CE- Elective-I
CE- Elective-II

3rd Sem...(M. Tech.Structure)

CE- Elective-III
CE- Elective-IV
(CE-580) Project
(CE-590) Seminar

4th Sem...(M. Tech.Structure)

(CE-500) Dissertation


(CE-509) Expert System in Civil Engineering
(CE-510)Advanced Foundation Engineering
(CE-511) Probabilistic Methods in Civil Engineering

Elective II

(CE-512) Instrumentation and Model Simulation
(CE-513) Solid Mechanics
(CE-514) Advanced Structure Design and Detailing


(CE-515) Theory and Design of Shells


(CE-518) Construction and Maintenance Engineering
(CE-519) High Rise Buildings
(CE-520) Disaster Reduction and Engineering


Master of Computer Applications ( MCA )

1st Sem...(MCA)

2nd Sem...(MCA)

(MCA-201) N2 Management Information System
(MCA-202) N2 Object oriented Programming Using C++
(MCA-203 )N2 Data Communication & Networks
(MCA-204) N2 Principles of Management
(MCA-205) N2 Introduction to Micro Processor
(MCA-206) N2 Software Lab-III(C++)
(MCA-207) N2 Hardware Lab-I ( Micro Processor)

3rd Sem...(MCA)

(MCA-301) N2 Computer System Architecture
(MCA-302) N2 Data Structures
(MCA-303) N2 Workshop on Visual Basic
(MCA-304) N2 RDBMS-I
(MCA-402) N2 Software Engineering
(MCA-306) N2 Software-Lab-IV (DS)
(MCA-307) N2 Software-Lab-V (RDBMS-I)

4th Sem...(MCA)

(MCA-305) N2 Computer Based Optimization Methods
(MCA-403) N2 System Software
(MCA-404) N2 Operating System
(MCA-405) N2 Elective-I
(MCA-406) N2 Software Lab-VI (RDBMS)
(MCA-407) N2 Software Lab-VII (OS)

5th Sem...(MCA)

(MCA-501) N2 Computer Graphics
(MCA-502) N2 Internet Programming and Java
(MCA-503) N2 Elective-II
(MCA-504) N2 Elective-III
(MCA-505) N2 Software Lab-VIII ( Graphics)
(MCA-506) N2 Software Lab-IX (JAVA)
(MCA-507) N2 Comprehensive Viva Voce

6th Sem...(MCA)

(MCA -601) N2 Project


(MCA-405-A) N2 Artificial Intelligence
(MCA-405-B) N2 Robotics Engineering
(MCA-405-C) N2 Object Oriented Analysis and Design


(MCA-503-A) N2 E-Commerce
(MCA-503-B) N2 Complier Design


(MCA-504-A) N2 Systems Simulation and Modeling
(MCA-504-B) N2 Advanced Microprocessor Systems


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